Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Movies for Dalit Audiences

Mainstream movies made for dalits may not be making economic sensetoday. Some movies allude to dalit issues but do not dare to make thedalit related issues central to the movie. Some movies are art moviesmade for intellectual crowds which win awards but don't make money.People go to Hindi masala movies to get away from their daily pains.They do not go to movie halls to think.With the increase in education in the dalits, movies for them shouldpick up. I expect that hollywood will make movies on dalit issues in10 year time frame.Movies/TV_serials have contributed to changing images of women inIndia and the world. I remember the serial on Oshin, a japaneseentrepeneur a lot. I look forward to "mi ani mazha baap" in ahollywood format. I think that the story has the power to draw in thecrowds and inspire a generation....

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